Podcasting isn’t a single road journey. Learn the skills to map your unique audio adventure.
From articles and free templates on how to strategize and launch a successful podcast, to how to write a sponsorship pitch email, to find your ideal listener, our resources page has the right resources to stay and elevate your brand in the podcast space.

Best Gifts for Podcasters: small business and sustainable gift ideas
We’ve gathered the best ideas for alternative gifts from sustainable, women and black businesses. Review our list which includes physical and instant access digital products.

Beware: Monsters Haunting Podcasters on Halloween
We all know that Halloween is a time when ghosts and monsters roam our neighborhoods freely, but did you know that as a podcaster, you have to deal with these monsters every day of the year?

Podcast Movement ‘22: Tips & Tricks you need to implement now
What you need to focus on for the upcoming 6-12 months to grow your podcast.

How your podcast can help you become an author
If you’ve always wanted to write a book but can never find the time, here are a few ways you can do it.

How long do your listeners tune in for? Apple Podcasts has the answer!
Apple Podcasts has some cool analytics you need to get your eyes into!

Lighting Tips for Beginners: Positioning
Learn Tony’s simple tips to ensure your video content looks ‘lit’.

Have you added your Podcast to these popular RSS directories?
Here are the podcast directories you should consider adding your podcast to right now!

Tips for creating a successful show while breaking most podcast rules
Can you launch a successful show when breaking most podcast rules? Learn how producer Matt Stoker launched his own show with great success!

How to add a podcast to Facebook using the RSS feed
Learn how to submit your Podcast to Facebook using your unique RSS feed.

Podcast episode show notes (free template)
Show notes are a very important part of your podcast’s marketing strategy, but they can be hard to write. Download our free template that includes episode prompts + best practices!

Podcast Movement ‘21: Tips & Tricks you need to implement now
Learn about our Cliff notes from Podcast Movement conference.

How to create an ideal client avatar (ICA) to help you write podcast content
Learn how to map out your ideal client avatar so that creating podcast content becomes effortless.